Tuesday 31 December 2019

Thiruppavai Pasuram 15

Dear Sree Andal Goshti Devotees, Today is 15th Paasuram of Thiruppavai Yelle ilangiliye .
Sree Andal with sakhis goes to wake up a real bhaaghavatha sakhi who is happily engrossed in Sri Krishna smarane singing with her beautiful voice.She was  so much impressed with the previous days incident when Sree Andal Goshti were mentioning about Pangaya kannanai.So The Goshti immensely pleased with her singing addressed her YELLE. Then they added we are really hesitant to disturb your singing.The sakhi was truely surprised that previous day they named the other Sakhi as Nanadhay.The same Goshti treats me differenty .Thinking like that she just keeps quiet without replying.Then The Andal Goshti becomes restless and calls her telling Innum vurangudhiyo.As she is deeply soaked in Krishna bhakthi does not reply.Then the goshti gets irritated by her behaviour tell her is it correct on her part to sleep in spite of our calling many times.now u have to get up and come with us for Nonbu.Then she utters the word Chillenrazhainmin.Hearing that Goshti gets wild and calls her as proud.Then she retaliates telling in spite of me(my nature) keeping quiet u have been blaming me.so I shall come  with u if you just keep quiet.
Then The Goshti called her Naane Thaanayiduga.That means though one keeps quiet the others keep on blaming that person.That also The sakhi accepts telling I will take the blame.Then she tells if all the others have come I will join.Then disgusted by her Stubbornness The goshti tells it is not fair to make the Bhagavathas wait and replies her Pondhar.(they have left).Then The sakhi replies just to make me join you all u have been telling all these. Then sincerely the Goshti tells Pondhennikkol(means so you  take it like that).Further adds that you have to join the group and indulge in SREE KRISHNANUBHAVAM.Then Goshti adds how Krishna is a Vallaan  killing The Kuvalaya peetam and quashes the feeling of  enemity in enemies. Though Sri Krishna plays mischief with others ,is bound by our Impeccable affection.So Sree Andal Has Taken great efforts in forming the Goshti that u can find in the last 10 Paasurams 6th to 15th. So we r all extended members of the Goshti to Follow  and participate in the NONBU  led byThe Great Andal .Sri Andal Thiruvadigale sharanam.

Monday 30 December 2019

Thiruppavai pasuram 14

Sree Andal Goshti Devotees, Today is 14th Paasuram of Thiruppavai Ungal puzhakkadai thottathu vaviyul .Here Sree Andal and sakhis r going to wake up a stubborn and very much Devoted to Sree Krishna ( A staunch Devotee) does not want to get up as according to her the sun has not risen and it is not early morning. She asks Andal Goshti to give any other example for the early morning.Sree Andal says the lotus like flowers have bloomed and closed.That also does not convince her and refuse to believe the same telling it is a myth. Then Sree Andal says the sakhi that The Sacred Sages are going to temple for Dhyanam after finishing their morning  duties like washing their white teeth and taking bath and asks her is that is not enough to prove u that it is Ushaah kalam.(early morning).That also the sakhi inside  brushes it off blaming the Sree Andal sakhis telling they r cooking up some stories to wake me up.if they r real sages they could do Bhagavad dhyanam at their homes.The sakhi continues to abuse the Sakhis  outside that they were to wake up her at first.. and they did not keep up their word.So she further asks what job u have here and r you not ashamed of coming here.
Then Sree Andal manages to passify the sakhi telling u have such a good talking talent and Lord Krishna will b enamoured by ur speaking ability.Further Sri Andal says let us all sing in praise of the Pangaya kannanai (Sangodu chakram yendhiya) to Make Krishna  happy.So we all will join Sree Andal sakhis to have SRI KRISHNANUBHAVAM.
I have sent some snaps related to the paasuram.

Sunday 29 December 2019

Thiruppavai Pasuram no. 13

: Dear Sree Andal Goshti Devotees,Today 13th Paasuram of Thiruppavai Pullin Vay Keendanai .
A sakhi defeated by Sree Krishnas extreme Beauty(soundaryam) came Home to sleep.In Aayarpaadi instead of praising Krishna for His leelas admired Lord Ramas valour Dheeram parakramam killing ten headed Demon Ravana and named Him Manaththukku inian.Some of the pple in Aayarpaadi got irritated telling  that the place is Krishnas not Ramans so they felt that only Krishnas acts of Courageous deeds such as killing Bhakasura should b praised and so many Asuras.Sri Andal also Named Ravana as Polla Arakkan.So some non Biased pple there convinced the rest telling That Sri Rama And Sri Rama r the Same have taken different Avathars.They r PARAMA PURUSHAS.
SREE ANDAL Goshti started waking up the Sakhi telling Velli means Friday has risen pushing the (Vyazhan )Thursday into the dark.The Sakhi does not believe all that and tells her mates to give different example as to early morning sun is risen. Sree Andal Goshti tells The birds r flyig away from their nests making noise.Then only Sri Andal Goshti
 praises their Sleeping Sakhi calking her podhari kanninay means having Beautiful eyes like Flowers and that of deer and bees.Instead of being sad due to  Sree Krishnas Udhaseenam Get up from Bed Come to take bath and join us to do the Nonbu.There is no use brooding over the past.So Sree Andal Somehow cajoles the Sakhi to join Her Goshti
For KRISHNANUBHAVAM.We All will  pray  for Sree Andal Sri Krishnas ANUGRAHAM during MARGAZHI Thingal.
I have sent some snaps related to the paasuram..

Saturday 28 December 2019

Sri Andal's Thiruppavai- 12th pasuram

Dear Sree Andal Goshti Devotees,Today is 12th paasuram of Thiruppavai.Kanaiththilangkatrerumai kanrukkirangi .In this paasuram Sree Andal goshti wakes up a Sakhi similar to Lakshmana's nature.On the other hand, Buffaloes keep pouring milk thinking giving to their calves.It becomes a big pond in the mud making it marshy.Those who are dedicated in doing Sri Krishna Kainkaryam are equal to have earned imperishable wealth. Sree Rama is Narchelvan. Lakshmano Lakshmi sambhandho. That means Rama praised and was very proud of Brother Bharatha unlike Vibheeshana used to feel ashamed of his brother Ravana  to call him his Own brother. Devaki also disliked  her brother's Kamsa's misdeeds.
Here Sri Andal addressing Her Sakhi to wake up, explains her predicament standing amidst drenched in  rains  above, milk on the ground and requested her to open the door. She quoted Sri Rama's Qualities as how He fought with Ravana to retrieve His Wife Seetha and showed His anger as Ravana tortured Hanuman His Beloved Bhaktha Hanuman by killing Ravana. So Sree Rama Does anything to save His close associates from miseries.So He is Called Manaththukku Iniaan. Dear Sakhi After having come to wake you up standing outside from such a long time has made you still great.Knowing all the noble qualities and Greatness of Lord Sri Rama, you are still sleeping. In spite of all the instances you never seem to open your mouth.So kindly Open the door.So we are just following Sree Andal in her efforts to wake up all Sakhis to do the NONBU. Here are some snaps related to the paasuram.

Friday 27 December 2019

Dear Sree Andal Goshti Devotees,Today is 11th paasuram of Thiruppavai- Katru karavai kanangal pala karandu. Sri Andal wakes up a great  staunch devotee of Sri Krishna who is endowed with all  noble qualities is suitable for Sri Krishna's Parpoorna Anugraham. Just like in Aayarpaadi one can not find a sick or old cow.That means The Cows are ever young and healthy under Sri Krishnas Kataksham and gives sufficient milk.As one can not ascertain Gods innumerable qualities the same way The healthy happy cows are enormous in number. The Gopas are very capable of milking all the cows that large in no.They never fight unnecessarily except with those who talk ill of Lord Krishna.All gopas like the sakhi (is named (porkodiye)means very Charming (putraravalgul)sweet natured and (punamayile) with beautiful hair.She is such a great and unique person gifted with Godly Qualities is Compared to Goddess Sita Devi who brought name and  fame to both Parent's home and in laws home.In beauty She is compared to Dhroupathi in beauty who was attracted by her friends too. Mutram pugundhu means wherever Lord Krishna is there His Devotees will b there.that means Bhagavans abode is Bhagavathas place where the Devotees sing in praise of Mugil Vannan which means  colour of  Sri Krishna is compared to dark clouds.The Sakhi is named Selva pendatti that means she is gifted with great wealth like BHAGAVADHANUBHAVAM.yetrukkurangum means Where ever Lord resides one can get sleep with contentment.so The whole Paasuram explains Bhagavad Bhaagavada sambhandam that brings mental physical happiness in total.So we r all following Sri Andals footsteps to achieve all the  important virtues of life to lead a satisfied life.
 are equal to have earned imperishable wealth.Sree Rama is Narchelvan Lakshmano Lakshmi sambhandho. That means Rama praised and very proud of Brother Bharatha unlike Vibheeshna used to feel ashamed of brother Ravana calling  his Own brother Devaki disliked Kamsa's misdeeds.
Here Sri Andal addressing Her Sakhi to wake up explains her predicament standing amidst drenched in  rains  above milk on the ground to open the door. She quoted Sri Ramas Qualities as how He fought with Ravana to retrieve His Wife Seetha and showed His anger as Ravana tortured Hanuman His Beloved Bhaktha Hanuman by killing Ravana.So Sree Rama Does anything to save His close associates from miseries.So He is Called Manaththukku Iniaan.Dear Sakhi After having come to wake u up standing outside from such a long time has made you still great.Knowing all the noble qualities and Greatness Lord Sri Rama u r still sleeping. In spite of all the instances u never seem to open ur mouth.So kindly Open the door.So we are just following Sree Andal in her efforts to wake up all Sakhis to do the NONBU. I have sent some snaps related to the paasuram.

Thursday 26 December 2019

Dear Sree Andal Goshti Devotees,

Today is 10th  Paasuram of Thiruppavai Notru Suwargam  puguginra  Ammanay.Sree Andal with her Sakhis  tried to wake up a strong devotee of Krishna immersed in Krishnanubhavam.They start teasing The Sakhi telling That Lord Krishna is with u as we get the smell of Tulasi .But the Sakhi explains that so long I had been talking with you all before going to sleep.Then How can Sree Krishna come without your Knowledge. Then The sakhis emphatically say  that Sree Krishna is omnipresent and He  is  with u only.Then they hear the snoring noise from inside .Sree Andal Goshti teases again telling Kumbakarna must have given the sleep to u.Here reference to Lord Rama also comes in some context.So The  Sakhis so much enarmoured by the sleeping  Sakhi's strong Devotion to Lord Krishna expresses their deep respect by calling The Sakhi A TREASURE OF DEVOTION, AN ,UNPARALLELLED DEVOTEE and A GREAT AND UNIQUE SRI KRISHNA BHAKTHE.So Sree Andal wins over all  her Sakhis by her sincere interest to do the NONBU or VRATHA forming the Goshti with all Her Sakhis Close to Her.Is it not GREAT OF SREE ANDAL to have All the BHAKTHAS TOGETHER. we also are one among THEM.ANANDAM PARAMANANDAM.
I have sent some pictures related to the paasuram.

Wednesday 25 December 2019

Sri Andal's Tiruppavai

Dear Sree Andal Goshti,
Today is 9th paasuram of Thiruppavai Thoomani Maadaththu sutrum vilakkeria .Sree Andal with her Sakhis go to another sakhi's house to wake her up narrating her how the whole house has been lit up with oil lamps and the soothing scent from dhoop surrounding the atmosphere make anybody get up.The sakhi is deeply engrossed  in Sri Krishna Bhakthi does not get up .Then Sree Andal goshti requests  the Sleeping Sakhis mother to wake her up addressing the Sakhi as is she a dumb or deaf or bound by any mantra or magic.otherwise Utter the Names of Sri Krishna loudly (Mamayan Madhavan Vaikunthan )so that She will Wake up immediately. Sri Andal tries so many ways  to make the Sakhis join the Goshti to Enjoy the KRISHNANUBHAVAM.So Great our Sree Andal is and we will follow and join Her Goshti to do the Nonbu. I have sent some snaps related to the paasuram.

Tuesday 24 December 2019

Sri Andal's Thiruppavai no.8

Dear Sree Andal devotees,

Today is 8th paasuram of Thiruppavai Kizh vaanam vellenru Yerumai siru veedu .
Sree Andal with Her Sakhis wakes up another Sakhi who is deeply engrossed in her thoughts about Sri Krishna in her sleep.Sri  tries all ways telling the instances around her like Sun is about to rise as the Sky is getting brighter and buffaloes have gone to eat the grass soaked in mist .So it is early morning and time to get up .The Sleeping Sakhi does not believe and keeps telling her friends as ur faces r so brightly lit with Sree Krishna Bhakthirasam that makes u feel the sun rising.So Sri Andal tries another method as Describing Sri Krishna leela like Kesi mushtika chanura samhaaram as an young boy and we all have to go in a group to worship to attain His Grace.So we all will follow Sree Andals Bhakthimaarga to get salvation. I have sent some pictures related to the paasuram.

Monday 23 December 2019

Andal 7th pasuram

To all our dear Sri Andal Devotees.Today is 7th pasuram of Thiruppavai Keechu Keechenru Anaisaththan kalandhu.
SreeAndal with Her woken up Sakhis goes to wake up another sakhi.Sri Andal tries to convince her that The birds have woken up making noise and Ladies r churning  buttermilk after bath dressed up wearing ornaments that make melodious sound.In spite of the sound a sign related   to early morning she is not getting up telling these signs of the early morning do not make me to wake up.The reason is deeply engrossed in Krishnanubhavam in sleep prevents her from getting up.So Andal and Sakhis see her through the Window and see her Face really glowing with Thejas.A Divine look.So The sakhis call her with reverence Desamudayay Thiravelor yempavaay.(tamil) the last line of the paasuram.We all will accompany Sri Andal as to how she  convinces   her sakhis To Participate in the Vratha to indulge in Krishnanubhavam. Hats off to Bhudevi SreeAndal.

Sunday 22 December 2019

Tiruppavai Pasuram 6

DEAR SREE ANDAL DEVOTEES, This is the 6th Pasuram Pullum silambana Kaan describing about VRATHA or NONBU and the essential formalities to do the same,in all the 1st 5 pasurams.The Gopis in the next 10 pasurams start waking up all the Gopis (girls) in the Aayarpadi.All the devotees are so devoted to SREE KRISHNA to have HIS GRACE individually. But they prefer to form a group (Goshti)and worship SREE KRISHNA(A GREAT TREASURE) together.Actually before doing a NONBU or VRATHA,anybody has to have BHAGAVATHAS Anugraham to attain SREE KRISHNA'S GRACE.So the Gopis wake up the Acharyas before performing the VRATHA.Then they call a Gopi Who is new to doing VRATHA addressing PIILLAY EZHUNDHIRAY and tell her that our call is a sign for the dawn.Then the Gopi from inside the house replies that your call will not be an indication for the dawn.Then the Gopis outside say that the birds  are making making various sounds.Then the Gopi from inside the home says the birds are like you all thinking about SREE KRISHNA always making noise.So that is also not a sign for the dawn.Then the Gopis outside continue to say that Do you not hear the sound of  the Conch (Shanku) from the BHAGAVAN'S temple, where HIS Vahana GARUDA is also with HIM.Then the Gopi living inside replies as she is new to the BHAGAVAD ANUBHAVAM. In addition asks the other Gopis as to who initiated all this VRATHA.Then all the Gopis standing outside reply to the Gopastree that THE LORD who drank the milk from the Puthanais bosom(a demon) including her life and punarjanmam thus giving her Moksham. The same LORD broke the Shakatam With HIS Thiruvadigal by kicking the cart driven by a demon called SHAKATASURA.After all these actions,HE the SARVESHWARAN ,lying (Yoganidra) On the AdhiSeshan in the White Ocean.He is the embodiment of all Avatharas of SRI MAHAVISHNU.After all these explanations all the Bhakthas and those who always do Dhyanam as Bhagawan resides in all our hearts.Then all all get up telling HARI HARI loudly. The Gopis from outside tell that Shabdham(Gosham) touched our hearts and made us get up.So after convincing the Gopi inside they thought that our NONBU has a successful start.The Gopis Started their VRATHAM With BHAGAVAD BHAGAVATHA ANUGRAHAM to attain THE LORDS DIVINE GRACE.SREE ANDAL THIRUVADIGALE CHARANAM.KRISHNAM VANDHE JADATHGURUM.

Saturday 21 December 2019

Tiruppavai Paasuram 5

Dear SREE ANDAL DEVOTEES,This is the 5th pasuram of THIRUPPAVAI. MAYANAI MANNU VADAMADHURAI MAINDHANAI.Many obstacles come for good deeds done by the Great Elders too..The obstacle created and stopped The SRER RAMA PATTABHISHEKAM. So as per a Gopastree she is worried and unrest how The NONBU OR VRATHA will happen and get completed.Then SREE ANDAL emphatically says that we have to start the NONBU and it is completed only by GOD'S GRACE not only by our efforts.We have to do a total surrender to the CREATOR,THE GOD and He will definitely help us giving the fruits for the same. MAYANAI means HE is capable of giving Ashraya or Shelter for HIS Bhakthas. HE is a MAYAN as HE is ready to help HIS Bhakthas always, who all will worship HIM doing Kainkaryam to HIM.Prakruthi or Nature is called MAYAI that He Controls.The people address HIM as MAYAN as HE Chose Mathura as HIS Birthplace as LORD VAMANA was born there and SHATHRUGUNA lived there.MAINDHAN means child, king or Dignified according to SREE ANDAL.She refers to HIM as MADHURAI MANNAN.As soon as HE Was born, through HIS Mayai untie the Chain tied on their legs by Kamsa.When HIS Father Vasudevar carried Sri KRISHNA on HIS head to GOkulam.The sacred Yamuna river gave way unlike Godavari And Samudra Raja.The Yamuna is a friendly river for Gopikas for the Jala kreedai.Though HE was born in Mathura HE preferred GOKULAM,THE Aayarpadi to be brought up to brighten the place and HIMSELF. SREE ANDAL is astonished about SREE KRISHNA'S LEELA. SREE ANDAL narrates about mother Yashodha as to how She ties SREE KRISHNA to a grinding stone as a punishment for HIS mischiefs and LORD enjoys her action showing HIS  GRACE on her. SREE ANDAL wonders what vratha Yashoda did to enjoy The SOWLABHYAM of SREE KRISHNA ,The GOD HIMSELF.So SREE ANDAL says to Gopis that we are single mindedly pray The LORD without expecting anything and,HIS DIVINE GRACE to do The Nonbu sincerely.Then only we can get rid of the sins we had done and we may do some sins in future due to ignorance.Then only by GOD'SDIVINE GRACE the sins , done will burn off like cotton in the fire.our future sins will disappear like the water drops on the lotus leaves.So SREE ANDAL giving examples,clearly explains how our sincere prayers will reach GOD and HE pours HIS DIVINE GRACE on us.We all shall follow SRI ANDAL'S Path to get HIS DIVINE GRACE.SARVAM KRISHNARPANAMASTHU. SREE ANDAL THIRUVADIGALE  CHARANAM.

Friday 20 December 2019

Tiruppavai Pasuram 4

DEAR SREE ANDAL DEVOTEES,Today is the 4th pasuram. AAZHI MAZHAI KANNA.The Gopis of Aayarpaadi started praying RAIN GOD For the MUMMARI PAIDHU,3 TIMES IN a Year.Then Parjanya Devatha comes running and humbly requests the Gopikas to show the way to plead THE GOD ALMIGHTY to get the rains.So the Gopikas advise in their reply that do not pray the LORD Who helps only the good people leaving the bad.Instead pray the GODESS to show mercy and bestow KATAKSHAM on all the good and bad equally.In Addition ask the Godess to recommend GOD to bring the rains in a force fiercefully with thundering showers.
Then they address the MEGHAM (clouds) to b like GOD who is black in colour and have beautiful broad shoulders.HE has the bloomed lotus erupted from a his Nabhi (Naval)and HIS Child BRAHMA seated  on the lotus.Further addressing the MEGHAM  to be bright and sparkling like the CHAKRA on LORD'S hands.The SUDHARSHANAM looks happy and sparkling seated on GOD'S hand.So the KARMEGHAM has to b like that.Addressing the Megham the Gopikas say
You must be Like the AAZHI On LORD PADMANABHANs hand.
Further they say that the Megham must be like PANCHAJANYAM,Which helps the good with the thundering sound and pierces the hearts of the bad.unlike in Bharatha Yudhdha when Panchajanya blew once and stopped.Instead u should be blowing always.Kindly pour the BANA VARSHAM Like SARNGAM.The world collapsed due to excess Bhanavarsham.But your Varsham(rains) should save the world.We also will happily take bath thinking our efforts for bringing rains became successful. So we also will pray for the Global harmony .SARVE JANAH SUKHINO BHAVANTHU.

Thursday 19 December 2019

Tiruppavai Pasuram 3

The gopikas, though they surrender to Sree Krishna for their wants,they  need rains for their good living.They pray VAMANA(LORD VISHNU)As HE will remove the obstacles and bring rain.VAMANA is called UTHTHAMAN as HE punches Shukrachayas one eye to get the Argyam from MAHABALI.HE had to save INDRA and ..MAHABALI by giving them what they needed.Ss you all know those who protect the mankind by taking the pains Himself is called UTHTHAMAN.The Madhyaman r those who will b selfish in taking  care of themselves and let the others live . The Adhamans r those who will only take care of themselves spoiling otbers lives.we should b like GOD VAMANAN and pray HIM reciting HIS Namam to bring rains for the benifit of the mankind.
As our ancestors say the rains pour 3 times in a year for the welfare of the  people namely RISHIS for their THAPAS, Sanity of the women, The Just and honest Rulers of the Nation.The crops will grow flourishingly,the small fishes will happily swim around the canals.So the bees will enjoy sleeping on the lotus flowers in the surrounding water.(a cradle like).The villagers living around the fields r all happy. The cows r well fed and healthy.They give surplus milk to all the people. (Samrudhi).They have imperishable wealth of milk water and crops for a healthy living.To sum it up,the prayers of the Gopis are heard by The GOD and HE pours HIS ANUGRAHAM on them.OM NAMO NARAYANAYA. SREE ANDAL THIRUVADIGALE CHARANAM

Wednesday 18 December 2019

Tiruppavai Pasuram 2

JUST Like Lotus blooming in the fire among the bad deeds happening in the world those who worship GOD ALMIGHTY r really lucky to have the closeness of LORD KRISHNA .SRI HANUMAN and some alwars never wanted VAIKUNTAM, Instead they wanted to remainin this BHULOKA and enjoy the proximity of GOD  by their sincere prayers.SREE ANDAL says unlike Indrajit did VRATHA to do harm to the Bhakthas of GOD,We do the VRATHA for the welfare of all the people in the world.Just like THE king JANAMEJAYAN listened to Bhagavatham  from all knowledgeable good Rishis to attain GOD,we also should follow the same.Like the farmers who live amidst the fields to safeguard the crops. SREE BHAGAVAN ,The Creator pretends as though sleeping on the ADISESHA IN The Milky Ocean to protect us immediately when the obstacles come across His beloved BHAKTHAS.We have to feel the great qualities of the LORD like Sowlabyam,Sowsheelyam,and Soundaryam and sing in the praise of HIM.
 We should not take ghee
and milk during VRATHA or NONBU.we should enjoy deeply The GODS presence.We should have an early morning bath and should not apply kajal to the eyes,flowers to the hair.We should follow our Elders path.Never speak wounding words to others.Those who do not expect alms from anyone,like Sanyasis and Brahmacharis,we should come forward to help them.All these  points must b observed to do the NONBU.So Wishing you all readers to have Sree ANDAL KATAKSHAM Always to lead a Divine And happy healthy life.SREE ANDAL THIRUVADIGALE CHARANAM

Tuesday 17 December 2019

Tiruppavai Pasuram 1

DEAR SREE ANDAL DEVOTEES,In case we get a valuable object we would like to enjoy the same in the right time.So SREE RAMARS Birthday is celebrated CHITRAHA SRIMANAYAM MASAHA In the month of Chithra.So the Gopis of Aayarpadi chose the month of Margazhi to PERFORM the NONBU OR VRATHA.LORD KRISHNA himself has explained in BHAGAVAD GITA(MAASANAM MARGA SIRSO'HAM) pointing the Greatness of the month.
THE Month of Margazhi is so great as it is considered that  Only LORD KESHAVAN is Predominantely
Placed among the VYUHA MURTHIS In this month.This month is very pleasant neither very cold nor very hot.In this Margazhi month in Shukla paksha Moon is very cool and filled with Bhagavad dyanam everywhere.So the Gopis r addressed as Bhakthas possessed the wealth of SREE KRISHNA BHAKTHI and are suitable to attain SREE KRISHNA.The Gopies can have bath in the Pond filled with Sree KRISHNAS Divinity. The Gopies r so beautiful adorned with rich ornaments.Nandagopan filled with affection towards His Divine kid SREE KRISHNA Is carrying the VEL(Spear) to protect his son from cruel enemies.Mother Yashodha who is immersed in the beauty of Sree KRISHNA always keeping an eye on Him as He is KARMEGHA VANNAN ( endowed with the colour of blue dark sky )and eyes like just bloomed Lotus Flower by Surya Kirana and having a pleasant and bright face Like THE FULLMOON (Poorna Chandra) The gopies surrender  to the all pervading SRIMAN NARAYANA To get the PARAI to perform the NONBU.so SREE ANDAL says We all will single mindedly do the VRATHA taking bath in the KRISHNA THADAHAM TO attain LORD KRISHNA.