Friday 27 December 2019

Dear Sree Andal Goshti Devotees,Today is 11th paasuram of Thiruppavai- Katru karavai kanangal pala karandu. Sri Andal wakes up a great  staunch devotee of Sri Krishna who is endowed with all  noble qualities is suitable for Sri Krishna's Parpoorna Anugraham. Just like in Aayarpaadi one can not find a sick or old cow.That means The Cows are ever young and healthy under Sri Krishnas Kataksham and gives sufficient milk.As one can not ascertain Gods innumerable qualities the same way The healthy happy cows are enormous in number. The Gopas are very capable of milking all the cows that large in no.They never fight unnecessarily except with those who talk ill of Lord Krishna.All gopas like the sakhi (is named (porkodiye)means very Charming (putraravalgul)sweet natured and (punamayile) with beautiful hair.She is such a great and unique person gifted with Godly Qualities is Compared to Goddess Sita Devi who brought name and  fame to both Parent's home and in laws home.In beauty She is compared to Dhroupathi in beauty who was attracted by her friends too. Mutram pugundhu means wherever Lord Krishna is there His Devotees will b there.that means Bhagavans abode is Bhagavathas place where the Devotees sing in praise of Mugil Vannan which means  colour of  Sri Krishna is compared to dark clouds.The Sakhi is named Selva pendatti that means she is gifted with great wealth like BHAGAVADHANUBHAVAM.yetrukkurangum means Where ever Lord resides one can get sleep with The whole Paasuram explains Bhagavad Bhaagavada sambhandam that brings mental physical happiness in total.So we r all following Sri Andals footsteps to achieve all the  important virtues of life to lead a satisfied life.
 are equal to have earned imperishable wealth.Sree Rama is Narchelvan Lakshmano Lakshmi sambhandho. That means Rama praised and very proud of Brother Bharatha unlike Vibheeshna used to feel ashamed of brother Ravana calling  his Own brother Devaki disliked Kamsa's misdeeds.
Here Sri Andal addressing Her Sakhi to wake up explains her predicament standing amidst drenched in  rains  above milk on the ground to open the door. She quoted Sri Ramas Qualities as how He fought with Ravana to retrieve His Wife Seetha and showed His anger as Ravana tortured Hanuman His Beloved Bhaktha Hanuman by killing Ravana.So Sree Rama Does anything to save His close associates from miseries.So He is Called Manaththukku Iniaan.Dear Sakhi After having come to wake u up standing outside from such a long time has made you still great.Knowing all the noble qualities and Greatness Lord Sri Rama u r still sleeping. In spite of all the instances u never seem to open ur mouth.So kindly Open the door.So we are just following Sree Andal in her efforts to wake up all Sakhis to do the NONBU. I have sent some snaps related to the paasuram.

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